What are the ecocity world summits?

First held in 1990, the Ecocity World Summit is the pioneer and longest-running global conference on ecology and cities. Every two years it brings together urban stakeholders from across the globe to focus on key actions cities and citizens can take to rebuild our human habitat in balance with living systems.

Ecocity Summits

The Ecocity World Summit aims to unite people through a new way of living on the planet that provides the best possible cities while enhancing, not destroying, the biosphere.

Past summits have featured a wide range of leaders and innovators, including Al Gore, former Vice-President of the United States, environmentalists David Brower and Paul Hawken, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Martina Otto, United Nations’ Head for Climate and Clean Air Coalition, former Mayor of Curitiba, Brazil, Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, and Denis Hayes, Director of the original National Earth Day.

Since 1990, the summit has been organised in five continents:

Berkeley, USA


Curitiba, Brazil


San Francisco, USA


Nantes, France


Vancouver, Canada


Adelaide, Australia


Shenzen, China


Istanbul, Turkey


Abu Dahbi, UAE


Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Yoff, Senegal


Bangalore, India


Montreal, Canada


Melbourne, Australia


London, UK


What's The Plan for London?

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In 2023, the Ecocity World Summit arrives to London. Across three days, representatives from across the community are coming together to formulate and implement plans for the future of our cities. This summit will focus on positive change and progress for cities and those who inhabit them.

for 2023

Provide a forum to challenge existing urban systems, policies, and priorities.

Gather and grow a network of urban stakeholders supporting sustainable futures

Inspire and support professionals and citizens to take action to meet key targets

Disseminate learnings and intelligence between cities and city markers

Leave a legacy in London through a series of partner pilots and learning programme

Are You a Future Thinker?

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Principal Supporters

Ecocity World Summits are an initiative by Ecocity Builders. Delivery of the London 2023 Ecocity World Summit is being led by NLA, in partnership with London & Partners and event delivery partner MCI.

Ecocity World Summit 2023, c/o MCI | The Hop Exchange, Suite 7-9, 24 Southwark St, London SE1 1TY

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